on sisterhood

Danika Tomchinsky-Holland
2 min readApr 3, 2022


Sisters playing with water shadows, yuba river, 2021

river babes

rock hoppin’

sun baskin’

deep divin’

belly floppin’

swift tide ridin’

front flippin’

free bleedin’

peach eatin’

river babes.

two of us, 9 and 28.

bodies raised on the river

river raised us.

home in the river

home in each other

river water in our blood like

her blood in mine and mine in hers.

this place magic memories to us both.

me — laying, baking upon the black

shimmer of this ancient earth being,

floating between the rushing yuba blue and the shifting blue sky,

smearing red droplets across my smooth seat

and her — clambering up top its highest point

butt naked, squealing laughter

then squatting and peeing.

both of us laughing.

sun tired

rosy cheeked

quiet hearts,

another day up edward’s crossing,

done us right.

Sisters collecting rose petals, 2020

she is…

she is

fiercely here, meeting the still air with a sanguine somersault,

spiraling, spinning, ass forward into the next second.

try to keep up.

she is reeling, raucous and ready -

right at the edge of what’s next

unabashed, unafraid, untethered,

free, spontaneous becoming, the embodiment of Lila.

she is each moment

demanding your presence

each moment tugging at your arm, saying

be here with me now.

and again,

be here with me,

and now.

be here with me.

where did you go?

unapologetically insistent, be here with me!

sooner or later,

ego inevitably steps in, wanting the spotlight,

offended with your lack of attention.

she shows you your self obsession,

your addiction to distraction and numbing

and offers timelessness

if you’ll join the play for a moment

you think you are teaching her,

because she is a little sponge, soaking up your every word,

but it’s the other way around -

she is showing you how to be curious and candid

she is imitating, mimicking, trying it all on for size,

and entirely herself,

her own creation,

changing before your eyes.

she is tiring, trying -

and this is work. but it’s play.

get spun

into the whoopee cushion whirlwind

and forget you are a mere mortal

you are a saucy sorceress, a punk princess

you are making art. Without thinking.

you’ve been thinking about making art for months now…

and here she is, spitting out pieces, prolific, imperfect

and with each piece, improving -

she is unafraid.

life is happening

don’t wait, don’t hesitate

be here with her now

and merge with this moment.



Danika Tomchinsky-Holland

Danika is a multidisciplinary artist whose paintings, poetry, prose and song explore and celebrate the body, eroticism, paradox and pleasure.